At the ’64 Olympics in Tokyo Japan, American Billy Mills was completely unkown. In the final of the 10,000 meters, 4 Olympic Gold Medalists and world record holders crowded the line and stood shoulder to shoulder with Mills on the line. When the gun went and the race unfolded Mill exhibited a Pre like spirit refusing to lose, fulfilling his Olympic destiny. Though he was shoved into lane 4 coming off the final turn by Mohammed Gammoudi, Billy made up a 10 meter deficit in the final stretch. Mills cut 46 seconds off his personal record that day as he outsprinted the big names, creating what has been described by many as “the greatest sprint finish in Olympic history.” Billy Mills was the only American ever to win the Olympic 10,000 meters. How strong is your passion for running? Where is your destiny leading you? Go Pre!


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Photograph copyright Corbis.
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